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Take Action TODAY to Protect NEPA

JJ McGinnis

The Senate is expected to vote any day on a resolution that would roll back Biden’s restoration of NEPA and permanently prohibit this or future administrations from restoring our magna carta of environmental laws. S.J. Res 55 is a resolution cosponsored by every Republican in the Senate under the Congressional Review Act to undo the the Biden Administration's NEPA rule and restore the Trump Administration's most damaging rollbacks to our bedrock environmental and civil justice law.

WWA and our members spoke up and fought back when NEPA was under attack in 2020. This spring we celebrated when the Biden administration took the first steps in restoring key pieces of NEPA’s basic community and environmental safeguards; requiring federal agencies to consider direct, indirect and cumulative project impacts and ensuring the public has a voice in the environmental review process for projects on public lands.

Now your action is needed again today.

Our friends at Winter Wildlands Alliance have put together everything anyone needs to contact their representatives here. Wyomingites can also contact Cheney, Lummis and Barrasso directly. Let your representatives know what NEPA and public participation means for you and your neighbors when it comes to managing our public lands.


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